Identify hazards with a job risk assessment template
Conducting job risk assessments is an essential part of ensuring the safety of employees in the workplace. It helps employers identify hazards, comply with regulations, reduce costs, and improves employee morale. Job risk assessments can benefit both employers and employees. If you haven’t conducted a job risk assessment in your organization, now is the time to do so. Fill out the form on the right to download your complimentary template, and use it to hit the ground running. Keep in mind that while a risk assessment template can be useful for basic risk assessment purposes, it’s not meant to substitute for a comprehensive risk assessment solution.
To complete the risk assessment template, follow these steps:
- Fill out the general information section with the assessment type, assessment name, date, and facilitator(s) based on your recordkeeping requirements.
- Fill out the location data section with the process department, functional area, and additional location and equipment information for filing purposes.
- Use the risk identification area to identify the risk and why it is being measured for filing purposes.
- Assign a numerical value to the severity of consequences area using your current risk assessment methods or values from 1-5, with 1 being the lowest severity and 5 being the highest
- Fill out the probability area with the number of people exposed, frequency of exposure, duration of exposure, likelihood of occurrence, and regulatory enforcement scale.
- Use the controls specific and targeted to initiating event area to list controls that will be implemented for this risk assessment.
- Use the current controls effectiveness area to score the effectiveness of all controls currently associated with the hazard being evaluated or values from 1-5.
- Use the measuring and monitoring controls area to take notes on the controls being added to the identified hazard.
- Use the notes area for any additional notes associated with the risk assessment.
- Use the calculations area to find the maximum severity, average probability, inherent risk, and residual risk of the identified hazard.